How to export prefabs into fbx in unity
How to export prefabs into fbx in unity

how to export prefabs into fbx in unity

The options are the same as with a prefab, but instead of "apply" there is "open" and the "revert" option doesn't seem to do anything. * There is a set of options as well as the mention "model" (where the mention "prefab" usually is) in the top section of the inspector when the object is selected (see picture). If you right click it, there is even the option "Select prefab"

how to export prefabs into fbx in unity

* Its name appears in BLUE in the hierarchy window, as if it were a prefab. * The default material is assigned to the mesh However, if you drag the FBX file in the scene, the following happens: If you drag just that second part (the mesh) into the scene, it appears bright pink (no material assigned) and the object name is in black in the hierarchy window. Second, if you click on the arrow on the FBX thumbnail, there is the mesh itself, whose name is the object name within Blender before export. First is the FBX container itself, whose name is the file name of the FBX.

how to export prefabs into fbx in unity

When I export a single object as an FBX with Blender and import it in Unity (without materials, rig or animations), there appears to be two different parts to the fbx in the browser tab.

How to export prefabs into fbx in unity