On the Slide Show tab, in the Set Up group, point to the arrow next to Record Slide Show. To record your laser pointer movements to enhance a web-based or self-running slide show, do the following: Very annoying.(For complete details about recording and timing your slide shows, see Record a slide show with narration and slide timings.) It surely resolves the issue with the cursor invisibility, but it creates (on my system) a new problem: the Host and Guest OSs don't have their cursor perfectly aligned anymore, which results in an impossibility to use the top toolbar of the VM Player when my VM is maximized. So I looked at disabling cursor h/w accelleration (like others suggested in this thread). and I don't know how to changes these MS Word specific mouse cursor shapes (I am still looking). That means I would need to change all these icons as well if I want MS Word (and the Word-enabled MS Outlook editor) to never suffer from cursor invisibility. I realized that MS Word also has many different "Select Text" icons that are slight variations derived from the default Windows one And they all disappear the same way (they are all as thin as the original Windows one). You can access these mouse pointer schemes through the "Pointers" tab of the "Mouse Properties" of your XP guest OS. So in my case, I saved a copy of the "Windows Default (system scheme)" into a new "My Default Scheme", and then I edited the "Text Select" pointer of my new scheme to use the "beam_r.cur" cursor representation (which seems to be slightly thicker than the default one). Anyway, the solution is to replace this pointer graphical representation with some other cursor shape that's slightly larger. For some reason, it seems the default Text Select cursor is too thin to show on my laptop screen (it shows well on my desktop running the same XP guest though).

the "Text Select" cursor was invisible in my XP guest OS.